On October 19, 2016, members of the Oldwick Fire Company and East Whitehouse Fire Company drilled at the Hunterdon County Training Center in Annandale. Live burn entries were performed with inter-company teams. Two live burn exercie scenarios were performed; first floor kitchen fire and second floor bedroom. These exercises enforce many fire company skills including- inter-company operations, pump operations, communications, command, and hose operations. Shown is a ‘first in’ team.
Second picture shows treasurer Robert Boak performing initial size up.
Halloween October 31, 2016
On Monday October 31st, members of the Oldwick Fire Company served hot dogs, hot chocolate and cider to trick or treaters in front of the old fire house on James Street. The fire company, with township approval, closed off sections of Oldwick to motor vehicle traffic for trick or treater safety. DUring the festivities, an outdoor fire pit spread to the homeowners front lawn, As the house was 100 feet from the fire truck, it was one of the fastest response times of the Oldwick Fire Company. Assistant Chief Jim Conner jr and junior firefighter Tyler Priece are on scene.
September 25, 2016 – Hunterdon County Tanker Task Force Drill
On Sunday, September 25, 2016, the Oldwick Fire Company, along with East Whitehouse Fire Company, Lebanon Boro Fire Company, Hampton Fire Company, Glenn Gardner Fire Company, all members of the Hunterdon County Northern Tanker Task Force- drill at Merck Corporation. Exercise practiced movement of large quantities of water almost a mile from a substantial water source to a simulated event. Members shown, taking turns staffing pump panel and inter-engine communications.
October 8, 2016- Fire Education at Tewksbury Elementary School
On Thursday, October 8, 2016, members of the Oldwick Fire Company and Pottersville Fire Company conduct fire awareness at the Tewksbury Elementary School as part of fire education week activities. Members Tyler Priece and Matt Conner don turn out gear including SCBA so students can become familiar with the gear. Former chief Jeff Hayes staffs the pumpkin station.
Oldwick Fire Company – Junior Program
Flag Retirement Ceremony
Extrication Drills
Members of the Oldwick Fire Company drill with Pottersville and East Whitehouse departments. Drills were conducted on May 16 and May 23 at the Oldwick Fire House. Four vehicles were staged and the mutual aid companies practiced extrication techniques which included: initial size up, PPE, vehicle recognition, vehicle accident protection systems, vehicle stabilization and tool application.
OFC Members meet with FDNY
Joint Boy Scout Troop 199- Oldwick Fire Company Pancake Breakfast
Warehouse Fire – Hillsborough February 13, 2016
As part of the Hunterdon County Tanker Task Force, on February 13, 2016, Oldwick was called to assist in water supply operations at the Veterans Industrial Park, in Hillsborough N.J. The complex was built in 1940 as part of the Defense Logistics Agency Depot system. The fire was contained to two warehouses despite high wind conditions. High winds caused multiple brush fires in the area. Oldwick members operated the Oldwick, 2500 gallon capacity pumper-tender for a fourteen hour shift supplying several master streams, operating on the buildings perimeter. In addition to high wind conditions, operations were hampered by 14 degree temperatures which caused equipment strains due to ice in operating valving and other pump components.